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The Phoenix Who Wields a Sword

(an excerpt)

Written by: Jackson Roper, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Kaitlin Goldsworthy, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft

The Phoenix

The cold rain splashed on Karma’s cheek while he patrolled Tokyo, trying to find demons, but the neon billboards were blinding. He sees his friend Draken, who is normally known as the speedster. Suddenly, five terrifying demons emerge from the darkness and attack Karma. Noticing this, Draken jumps behind them and cuts all of their heads off in one continuous motion. Karma thanks Draken, but then, another demon reveals itself and bites Draken’s shoulder. He shrieks in pain and within an instant, Karma stabs the demon right in between its eyes with his katana. Afterwards, they return to the samurai dimension to heal Draken’s shoulder. The old man Taka, the samurai leader, and squad two’s captain Yukatakai, inform them that a food festival will commence in Tokyo in four days so that area will be heavily guarded in case of demon groups.